PROMO: Preparing Our Kids for the Future >>>



Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Living in the Private and PMAs…What Does it All Mean? with Tymothy Roy | Ep. 040

by Sascha Kalivoda

In this episode I interview my hubby, Tymothy Roy, about what it means to live in the private and private membership associations. This is a hot topic in some circles these days, and for good reason.

If you are looking for solutions as to live a life of freedom and of your choosing, then understanding what it means to live and operate in the private is a must. Those looking to control us and wield their power over us do so in the public domain, but they have not jurisdiction over us in the private. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but if we want to see a better and free future for our children and future generations, then understanding this is crucial.

In this conversation with Tym, we get into:

  • A brief history and how Tym ties in his relationship coaching perspectives with the privacy work
  • Why we want to consider living in the private
  • What does ‘private’ actually mean?
  • How our private lives have commingled with the public
  • The freedom and benefits that living and operating in the private afford you
  • What Tym’s acronym, PUMA, stands for
  • Why paperwork isn’t enough to protect you and how it must reflect your understanding of who you are and why you are doing what you are doing
  • The importance of not mixing private and public operations and how to get yourself into trouble running a private association
  • What it means to live in the private and there are different levels of doing so
  • How Tym has broken it down to 3 levels of engagement (level one addressed here and levels 2 and 3 explained at the end)
  • Who is this NOT for?
  • Which type of association affords the most protection
  • Examples of PMAs and unincorporated associations
  • Our permission ‘programs’
  • How are freedom to associate inherently includes the freedom to NOT associate
  • How the law of ‘repulsion’ is incorporated in the law of attraction
  • The next two phases of engagement…tax solutions and asset protection and trusts
  • The idea of ‘having’ a person, but not being the person
  • And more!


Contact Tym and find out about his projects:

Set up a call with Tym:

Declaration of Inquiry


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