Standing Up for a Man’s Right with Jamie Russo
| Ep. 043
by Sascha Kalivoda
Jamie Russo has an important story to tell. It is one of strength and courage and one that I hope will inspire others to stand up for their right to make their living as they choose and to live by their own moral code.
Jamie is an award winning tattoo artist and the owner and operator of Pushing Inc. Tattoo Emporium in Barrie, Ontario. He has been tattooing for over 25 years and maintains his right to keep doing what he loves.
In this episode we learn from Jamie:
- A little on his background and interests prior to the onset of the events of 2020
- The fact that the people became ‘criminals’ simply by going to work to be able to feed themselves
- The group he belongs to – We Are All Essential
- The events of Feb. 11, 2021 where 5 men came to his door when he decided to open his business (but was not actually operating) and how it continued on, including 9 court appearances for Jamie
- The story of how a justice of the peace in court admitted the Service Corporation of Ontario is a fictional entity
- How Jamie did not let the fear he was feeling stop him
- The games the men and women in government play
- James’s words of wisdom to those who may be considering following his lead
- And so many more interesting tid bits!
Please share so that we can inspire others to stand their ground as men and women who understand their rights. Let’s stop giving authority over ourselves to others and take it back!
To learn more about Jamie:
Learn more details about Jamie’s case on A Warrior Calls:
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