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I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Simplifying Homeopathic Prescribing with Narayani Remedies with Mette Mitchell

| Ep. 076

by Sascha Kalivoda

Mette Mitchell, my favourite homeopath, is back, and this time she’s talking about the Narayani Remedies – a group of remedies that I had never heard about before.

If you aren’t familiar with homeopathy, then please be sure to check out my prior interviews with Mette, episode #’s 24, 37 and 54. Homeopathy offers so much support and peace of mind, so they are definitely worth your listening! They literally can be nothing short of miraculous.

Today Mette introduces to us the Narayani remedies – a system of homeopathy that simplifies prescribing as the remedies really speak to all versions of the symptoms you are experiencing. It’s basically the opposite of classical homeopathy, which helps bring the power to you rather than to the practitioner.

What do I mean by that? I mean that you don’t have to know all the nuances of the symptoms you are experiencing to find the correct remedy. The remedies are combinations of many remedies to cover all aspects of your symptoms.

You feel tension? Go for the tension remedy.

You have a cough? Go for CCA (one of Mette’s favourites).

In this episode Mette tells us about:

  • Dosing with liquid remedies vs. pellets
  • How vitality impacts how homeopathy works
  • How to match potency to vitality (when in doubt go for 30C)
  • Ruta – a great remedy for strains
  • Mette’s metaphor for dosing that illustrates how frequency of dosing adjusts over time with acute situations
  • Why we don’t dose homeopathy over the longer term
  • What ‘proving’ a remedy is
  • How it was discovered which symptoms are treated with which remedy
  • The origins of the Narayani Remedies and how it is a ‘complete’ system
  • When it is ok to take certain remedies for a longer period
  • How changing potencies for the same remedy changes how the remedy behaves in the body
  • How homeopathic prescribing has changed since the formal inception of homeopathy
  • How Narayani remedies come with very simple prescribing rules
  • How different eras tend to require different remedies
  • The appropriateness of the remedy Baryta Carb in an age where it is time for us to ‘grow up’
  • How homeopathy wasn’t invented, but discovered
  • The benefit of the ‘shock’ remedy
  • A description of several handy Narayani remedies, including remedies for detox, parasites, tension, organ support, shock and more
  • How our symptoms are part of our healing, not the disease
  • Mette’s 4-week Narayani class coming up on Oct. 2
  • Why Mette believes we don’t need to build vitality but to lift what is suppressing it
  • Where to get the remedies
  • And more!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I’ll be adding more great offerings there over time.

Find all of Mette’s offerings here:

Get your Narayani Remedies:


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