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Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Rethinking Everything You Think You Know, and Pearl Powder with Matt R0eske

| Ep. 078

by Sascha Kalivoda

Ok folks… get ready for some rabbit holes and mind stretching. Many of you I’m sure have dappled in some of these areas, but for others, the concept of free energy and the historical record of the textbooks being fabricated may all be new. It’s a wild ride, but worth it 🙂

My guest today is M@tt R0eske (a highly controversial name these days), the founder of Cultivate Elev@te, who has exploded onto the scene of truth over the last 4 years.

I first heard of Matt during the electroculture boon 2 years ago and have been following him since.

Matt realized years ago that he was the origin of his ills, and thus the source of his health and healing. As a result, he changed his lifestyle, his health improved and his curiosity and commitment to learning and sharing truth continue to grow.

He has some really great products on his site at, so be sure to use the code SASCHA10 to get some goodies and 10% off your purchase.

In this interview Matt tells us about:

  • The beginning of Cultivate Elevate and why he picked lion’s mane as his first product.
  • Matt’s encouragement to all of us to look into both sides of all the stories
  • How copper became ‘toxic’
  • Some of the stories the historical record that matt has researched, including the moon landing, radium, uranium, contagion and more
  • How grounding in nature can help clarity
  • The benefits of wearing copper
  • The modern prevalence of iron and plastic instead of conductive metals
  • The role of DuPont in bringing toxic plastics into the home
  • The weather vanes of the old world
  • Hermann Plauson
  • Nathan B. Stubblefield
  • Mercury’s role in energy generation
  • Giants in history
  • The fact there was electricity in the 1700’s
  • The idea that lead may not be as dangerous as we’ve been told
  • Where to get incandescent bulbs
  • The longest lit lightbulb, which happens to be incandescent, watch The Lightbulb Conspiracy for more on this
  • Cobalt glass and the glassware that we used to use
  • Questioning the danger of radioactive elements, see The Nuclear Scare Scam with Galen Winsor
  • Primary water – are we really running out of water?
  • Dowsing
  • Why to get books written before 1920
  • Pearl powder benefits, how to consume and use it
  • The capacity for eyesight to regenerate
  • Pearl powder success stories
  • and more!! 

If you enjoyed this episode, please share if you dare and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I’ll be adding more great offerings there over time.

Matt is highly censored, so you’ll have a hard time finding him on the major mainstream channels, or you’ll have to look hard to find him.

Peruse his site and use code SASCHA10 to save on some goodies:

Matt posts on various platforms and does a regular live every week, among other videos and posts. Find him here:

telegram: @ElevateThyMind


Are you concerned about the future of our children?

The world needs more conscious parents. Stop raising children who need to recover from their childhoods! Get your online program chock full of interviews with world renowned experts here:

Email me: sascha at sovereigncollective dot org

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