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Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Who Controls Your Mind? with Jason Christoff

| Ep. 082

by Sascha Kalivoda

Have you noticed lately that some people don’t seem to question anything? Like anything at all?

They listen to the news, and they take it for face value.

They listen to their doctor and do as they are told.

They let the teachers poison the minds of their children and support it.

What is it that leads to such blind obedience? And why are some people less susceptible to this conditioning than others? Why are some afraid to stand out of the crowd while others decide to walk their own path even if no one comes along?

Jason Christoff, self-sabotage coach and former fitness centre owner, has been educating on on these very questions and more for the last 25 years.

In this interview he teaches us some of the key facets of mind control, how to recognize them and why are some people seem to be so much more resistant to it than others.

Knowing these tactics are an unfortunate part of life if you are truly seeking to live a life of freedom, and Jason wants to help you recognize the traps and help you fortify yourself to be impervious to the influences that seek to control you.

In this interview, Jason talks about:

  • Jason’s beginnings in fitness clubs but not being healthy
  • Where Jason has been speaking around the world on mind control
  • His training with the Chek Institute and how his initial meagre results with his clients led down the path of becoming a self-sabotage coach
  • How he got the attention of ‘truth’ doctors recently and began traveling and speaking with them
  • The history of the art of controlling people
  • “Media”, the country – the origin of studying human psychology
  • How humans tend to find safety in the group and how the media can falsify the impression of what the group is thinking
  • The impact of the car theft movie “Gone in Seconds”
  • The capacity of the controllers to take the pre-fontal cortex offline
  • The role of doctors int eh plan
  • The history of Starbucks and who bought them when they were going bankrupt in the 80’s
  • The difference between people who see the mind controlling patterns and those who don’t
  • Who are ‘they’?
  • Dr. Richard Day tapes
  • How repetition breeds religious belief
  • “The Push”, a made for Netflix program
  • How seniors are being targeted
  • How immorality is being mainstreamed wholesomeness is under attack
  • Book: “The Indoctrinate Brain” by Dr. Michael Nehls
  • How v@x ingredients and other substances destroy the hippocampus
  • The role of the prefrontal cortex in morality
  • Essential watching: “The Jones Plantation”
  • Jason’s opinion on Elon Musk
  • The strategic plot behind “X”
  • Jason’t thoughts on the concept of controlled opposition
  • Why it is so important to take control of your health and get it in order
  • Jason’t courses
  • Apple iPhone article
  • and more!


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Jason’s article on ‘They’:

Documentary “The Push”:

Dr. Richard Day tapes:

iPhone article:


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