As the world gets increasingly bizarre, with seemingly only bad news to report and political theatre taking centre stage, it is more important to know one’s self and to own that role.
But who are we really, and is knowing the law and how the system works a part of knowing thyself?
I am more convinced than ever that indeed, yes, it is.
Growth and self-mastery in this human experience require moving beyond our comfort zones and understanding our relationship to everyone and everything we encounter.
We often blame or point out the substance, the habit, the person, the ‘thing‘, when really what I believe is more important is our relationship to ‘it‘.
Getting to know the work of Pastor of the Way has stretched me and my husband to consider a new truth and a new way of operating in this world.
After many years of study, trials and errors, Pastor of the Way has created the Basilikos Nomos Institute to help those better and further understand the law and how we can engage with government institutions to our benefit by stepping into a different role with respect to the name on our birth certificate.
There are many people going down this path both from the learning and teaching perspectives, but none that I have encountered come from the point of view that Pastor does.
For those new to this topic, this is going to be a hard interview to follow, but for others there are some gems I’m sure many have not heard before.
In this interview Pastor tells us:
00:04:55 – How he came to be on this path and how the legal system was built on biblical principles
00:07:30 – Pastor’s view of governments and how he changed his perspective of it
00:09:55 – How contracts are key to understanding the system
00:11:30 – Are political leaders actually being voted in?
00:14:05 – What is a public vote?
00:14:55 – The US is still a Republic and ‘republic’ defined
00:18:25 – The concept of agency, why it’s important
00:39:20 – How the name we were given is hearsay
00:40:00 – Family is private
00:41:00 – Sovereign immunity
00:41:40 – How the principle is the liable party
00:43:00 – Who owns your name in your accounts
00:43:20 – “The infant died’ comment from earlier explained
00:46:30 – Born alive definition
00:47:30 – Infant vs. baby at time of birth
00:51:00 – Public and private do not mix, therefore we need a person
00:51:30 – 4th amendment and ‘persons’
00:52:50 – What is on paper is like your monopoly piece
00:53:50 – Private vs. public explained
00:55:10 – Liability with respect to agency
00:55:30 – Liability – who is liable in our contracts with the government
0:56:50 – What is an unconscionable contract?
00:57:00 – The fact that the brith certificate is double hearsay
00:58:30 – How the birth certificate and driver’s license can’t prove the identity of the bearer
01:07:40 – 3 good questions to ask yourself in all your dealings
01:11:10 – The fact that an agent does not need to be competent to contract
01:12:30 – Right of use vs. ownership
01:12:50 – How we are ‘managers’ of government property
01:18:25 – How people would prefer to believe a lie than know the truth
01:21:55 – Rights vs. privileges
01:22:55 – The unlimited right to contract
01:25:30 – How you can charge the government for your time
01:26:45 – How a Canadian court recorded on the record the recognition of a man as agent for the name
01:33:55 – How our signature does not create value because it is not our name
01:34:00 – Is everything “prepaid”?
01:41:30 – Can this strategy be available to all?
01:42:20 – The truth about status change
01:43:30 – The real meaning of the word ‘individual’
and much more!!
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