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Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Combining Regenerative Agriculture, German New Medicine and Basic Human Needs with Rick Kohut

| Ep. 086

by Sascha Kalivoda

The title of this episode is a mouthful, but it basically covers what we talk about. I love what Rick Kohut is doing and how he integrates his basic philosophy of life in all areas of his life.

I have been wanting to interview Rick Kohut ever since I met him, and with the upcoming conference he is organizing, called the Basic Human Needs Conference, I finally got ultra motivated to get it done sooner than later as the conference is happening on Friday, March 28th in Didsbury AB.

This interview is close to my heart and it encompasses so many of the values I live by…. owning our health, eating real food and supporting those that bring it to us, being self-responsible, being stewards of the land to support the health and longevity of current and future generations, education and more.

You will find Rick to be very peaceful and solid in how he presents himself, because at the core of what he does he is always applying the law that nature doesn’t make mistakes.

When one embodies this concept, then confidence is yours and in Rick – farmer, health food store owner, Weston A. Price chapter leader, health practitioner – this confidence and knowledge is palpable.

This is such a great interview that encompasses several key topics that when embraced can really move us forward in getting our power and health back.

  • 0:04:20 – Rick’s story from conventional farming, to chemical and fertilizer sales to organic farming to regenerative agriculture and living in tune with nature
  • 0:11:30 – How Rick realized that he was so disconnected and didn’t actually know where his conventionally farmed crops were going
  • 0:13:40 – How are organic mono-cropping is still not working with nature and elements of regenerative agriculture
  • 0:16:10 – The realization that the more nature is mimicked, the more she provides
  • 0:18:20 – The difference between conventional agriculture with single crops vs. regenerative agriculture with poly crops and harvesting
  • 0:21:20 – Glyphosate, not the only dangerous or even most dangerous chemical in use, though the most abundantly used
  • 0:30:40 – Which crops are being desiccated with glyphosate (shocking answer)
  • 0:30:30 – The deception that most farmers actually make food when really most are growing commodities
  • 0:39:30 – The length of time it takes to restore teh land when switching to reg. agriculture from conventional farming
  • 0:41:15 – The supplements that rick uses on his soil
  • 0:42:20 – The difference between organic and regenerative farming
  • 0:45:45 – How ingredients have changed over the last decade
  • 0:46:40 – How the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine apply to farming
  • 0:49:00 – the closer you mimic nature, the less symptoms you will have, even when talking about plants
  • 0:53:00 – Examples of how Rick would support animals through their symptoms in accordance with GNM
  • 0:56:25 – The power of observing and mimicking the wild
  • 0:58:30 – The truth of the conventional feed industry
  • 1:01:00 – How Rick operates privately to provide the quality products he produces
  • 1:02:40 – The upcoming Basic Human Needs Conference
  • 1:12:00 – How fear-mongering is the basis of marketing
  • 1:13:50 – Learning about GNM at the BHN conference
  • 1:16:00 – How conflicts are resolved much more quickly from a rational state of mind compared to an irrational sate of mind
  • 1:17:15 – Opportunity to meet your Alberta farmers at the conference
  • 1:22:30 – Trade show to be a the conference as well – come meet more local peeps doing good in the world
  • 1:26:15 – The work of Weston A. Price
  • 1:32:25 – The effort require to make change and mroe!

If you enjoyed this episode, please share and consider going to to check out my offerings and get a deal while supporting the podcast. I’ll be adding more great offerings there over time.

Join our (me and my husband) new Telegram group and channel, Inner Alchemy Dojo, as we explore the art and science of Inner Mastery and Relationship:

Find it here


Connect with Rick:


Your code to save $30 at the Basic Human Needs Conference: ATLASSIAN30 (expires March 20th)


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