PROMO: Preparing Our Kids for the Future >>>



Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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087 – Challenging Common Narratives: Exploring Radium, Plutonium and Other Hidden Truths with Matt Roeske

087 – Challenging Common Narratives: Exploring Radium, Plutonium and Other Hidden Truths with Matt Roeske

Matt Roeske is back with another episode that will have you scratching your head and wondering what other fabricated stories you grew up with that were passed off as truth.

Matt delves into controversial ideas surrounding radium, plutonium, and other elements traditionally perceived as dangerous.

The topics today range from potential positive uses of elements like radium and the historical context of nuclear scare tactics to the fascinating world of World’s Fairs and the possible suppression of alternative energy sources.

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086 – Combining Regenerative Agriculture, German New Medicine and Basic Human Needs with Rick Kohut

086 – Combining Regenerative Agriculture, German New Medicine and Basic Human Needs with Rick Kohut

The title of this episode is a mouthful, but it basically covers what we talk about. I love what Rick Kohut is doing and how he integrates his basic philosophy of life in all areas of his life.

I have been wanting to interview Rick Kohut ever since I met him, and with the upcoming conference he is organizing, called the Basic Human Needs Conference, I finally got ultra motivated to get it done sooner than later as the conference is happening on Friday, March 28th in Didsbury AB.

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085 – Transitioning Through Menopause with Grace and Ease with Michale Hartte

085 – Transitioning Through Menopause with Grace and Ease with Michale Hartte

Michale Hartte is back and this time we are talking menopause.

Why is a totally natural stage of a woman’s life such a struggle for so many?

We all pass through the stages of childhood, puberty, our fertile years and into the menopausal phase, yet each of our experiences in these individual stages can be drastically different.

Why is that?

For one, we’re not living in rhythm of the world around us, and as we disconnect from nature, we disconnect from our very selves.

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084 – Should We Be Living Life Through the Role of Agent? with Pastor of the Way

084 – Should We Be Living Life Through the Role of Agent? with Pastor of the Way

As the world gets increasingly bizarre, with seemingly only bad news to report and political theatre taking centre stage, it is more important to know one’s self and to own that role.

But who are we really, and is knowing the law and how the system works a part of knowing thyself?

I am more convinced than ever that indeed, yes, it is.

Growth and self-mastery in this human experience require moving beyond our comfort zones and understanding our relationship to everyone and everything we encounter.

We often blame or point out the substance, the habit, the person, the ‘thing’, when really what I believe is more important is our relationship to ‘it’.

Getting to know the work of Pastor of the Way has stretched me and my husband to consider a new truth and a new way of operating in this world.

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083 – Finding Purpose Through Pain with Theo Fleury

083 – Finding Purpose Through Pain with Theo Fleury

This is such and honest, vulnerable conversation with Theo Fleury.

If you’re a hockey fan, you know who he is, and if you’re not, well he was pretty big in the 90’s in Calgary and made a huge impact with the Calgary Flames.

What we didn’t know back then is that the fearless Fleury had a dark secret that was haunting him… a nightmare that started when he was 14 years old.

But through the long road of pain, Theo has emerged on the other side in the winning end, discovering his purpose and inspiring others to face their demons and overcome their hardships.

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082 – Who Controls Your Mind? with Jason Christoff

082 – Who Controls Your Mind? with Jason Christoff

What is it that leads to such blind obedience? And why are some people less susceptible to this conditioning than others? Why are some afraid to stand out of the crowd while others decide to walk their own path even if no one comes along?

Jason Christoff, self-sabotage coach and former fitness centre owner, has been educating on on these very questions and more for the last 25 years.

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081 – Moving Your Lymph to Heal Body and Mind with Kelly Kennedy

081 – Moving Your Lymph to Heal Body and Mind with Kelly Kennedy

It took a long time to nail down a date to do a second interview with Kelly Kennedy, but here it finally is and I’m so grateful to be able to share it with you.

The importance of keeping the lymph moving can’t be overstated… there is a reason why this has been a main focus for Kelly for years.

In this interview we get into more of the practicalities around lymph care and impress upon you how the power is really yours. Kelly provides simple tools that can really help you move the needle is your state of health.

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080 – Fulvic, Minerals and Parasites with Dr. Barre Lando

080 – Fulvic, Minerals and Parasites with Dr. Barre Lando

Dr. Barre Lando, my favourite wise man, is back!

If you don’t know who Barre is, then go check out episodes #10 and #38 for an intro to Barre and learn a little bit about what it means to speak of your ‘terrain’ and why tissue salts are not only key to your good health, but also to fulfilling your purpose.

In this interview I ask Barre about humic and fulvic we get into the need for proper mineralization if you really want to achieve what is possible in your body.

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079 – Nutrition, Parenting, Schooling and More – Elements of Owning Your Life with Sascha Kalivoda

079 – Nutrition, Parenting, Schooling and More – Elements of Owning Your Life with Sascha Kalivoda

Yep! This time it’s me!

This is an interview that I did for the Freedom, Family and Finances Summit this summer with Jennifer Fraser.

And next week, Wed. Oct. 2nd, I’m on a live Q&A panel around Health and Sovereignty with Jason Christoff and Jonathan Baynes who are both forging their freedom paths.

Register here so you can get in on it:

In this interview I get to share my opinions and philosophies on many subjects, including nutrition, supplementation, parenting, schooling and more.

I seem to have a lot of opinions 🙂

Actually, these are all aspects that go into knowing who we are and raising kids who are rooted in themselves, who know how to question, spot patterns, problem solve and just generally have the capacity for joy, self-fulfillment and critical thinking.

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087 – Challenging Common Narratives: Exploring Radium, Plutonium and Other Hidden Truths with Matt Roeske

078- Rethinking Everything You Think You Know, and Pearl Powder with Matt R0eske

Ok folks… get ready for some rabbit holes and mind stretching. Many of you I’m sure have dappled in some of these areas, but for others, the concept of free energy and the historical record of the textbooks being fabricated may all be new. It’s a wild ride, but worth it 🙂

My guest today is M@tt R0eske (a highly controversial name these days), the founder of Cultivate Elev@te, who has exploded onto the scene of truth over the last 4 years.

I first heard of Matt during the electroculture boon 2 years ago and have been following him since.

Matt realized years ago that he was the origin of his ills, and thus the source of his health and healing. As a result, he changed his lifestyle, his health improved and his curiosity and commitment to learning and sharing truth continue to grow.

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