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087 – Challenging Common Narratives: Exploring Radium, Plutonium and Other Hidden Truths with Matt Roeske
Matt Roeske is back with another episode that will have you scratching your head and wondering what other fabricated stories you grew up with that were passed off as truth.
Matt delves into controversial ideas surrounding radium, plutonium, and other elements traditionally perceived as dangerous.
The topics today range from potential positive uses of elements like radium and the historical context of nuclear scare tactics to the fascinating world of World’s Fairs and the possible suppression of alternative energy sources.
086 – Combining Regenerative Agriculture, German New Medicine and Basic Human Needs with Rick Kohut
The title of this episode is a mouthful, but it basically covers what we talk about. I love what Rick Kohut is doing and how he integrates his basic philosophy of life in all areas of his life.
I have been wanting to interview Rick Kohut ever since I met him, and with the upcoming conference he is organizing, called the Basic Human Needs Conference, I finally got ultra motivated to get it done sooner than later as the conference is happening on Friday, March 28th in Didsbury AB.
085 – Transitioning Through Menopause with Grace and Ease with Michale Hartte
Michale Hartte is back and this time we are talking menopause.
Why is a totally natural stage of a woman’s life such a struggle for so many?
We all pass through the stages of childhood, puberty, our fertile years and into the menopausal phase, yet each of our experiences in these individual stages can be drastically different.
Why is that?
For one, we’re not living in rhythm of the world around us, and as we disconnect from nature, we disconnect from our very selves.
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