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078- Rethinking Everything You Think You Know, and Pearl Powder with Matt R0eske

078- Rethinking Everything You Think You Know, and Pearl Powder with Matt R0eske

Ok folks… get ready for some rabbit holes and mind stretching. Many of you I’m sure have dappled in some of these areas, but for others, the concept of free energy and the historical record of the textbooks being fabricated may all be new. It’s a wild ride, but worth it 🙂

My guest today is M@tt R0eske (a highly controversial name these days), the founder of Cultivate Elev@te, who has exploded onto the scene of truth over the last 4 years.

I first heard of Matt during the electroculture boon 2 years ago and have been following him since.

Matt realized years ago that he was the origin of his ills, and thus the source of his health and healing. As a result, he changed his lifestyle, his health improved and his curiosity and commitment to learning and sharing truth continue to grow.

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077- Knowing Yourself Through Psychedelics – The Micro and the Macro with Kole Whitty

077- Knowing Yourself Through Psychedelics – The Micro and the Macro with Kole Whitty

Disclaimer: This interview is for information purposes only as does not condone or promote the use of illegal drugs. This is re-telling of someone’s story and of data readily available in the public domain. You take responsibility for your choices.

Psychedelics is a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for a long time, and after getting so much feedback on the amazing transformations with micro-dosing, I was determined to get an expert on the topic on the show.

And after doing the work for 16 years, Kole Whitty is indeed an expert who has not only healed on many levels with her psychedelic teachers, but she speaks to it from a fully embodied experience dripping with wisdom.

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076 – Simplifying Homeopathic Prescribing with Narayani Remedies with Mette Mitchell

076 – Simplifying Homeopathic Prescribing with Narayani Remedies with Mette Mitchell

Mette Mitchell, my favourite homeopath, is back, and this time she’s talking about the Narayani Remedies – a group of remedies that I had never heard about before.

If you aren’t familiar with homeopathy, then please be sure to check out my prior interviews with Mette, episode #’s 24, 37 and 54. Homeopathy offers so much support and peace of mind, so they are definitely worth your listening! They literally can be nothing short of miraculous.

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