075 – Where Have All the Men Gone? with Tymothy Roy
In an inverted world where we can keep on track by pretty much doing exactly the opposite of what the so-called ‘experts’ recommend, the resilience of the population depends on actualized men and women dancing and working together to keep the ball rolling forward.
When we allow the lines of masculine and feminine energies to be blurred, when we agree to pretend that masculine and feminine roles don’t matter, then we agree to our own demise.
It’s time to turn this nonsense on its head. It’s time to stop calling masculinity toxic and pretending that women don’t need men. Sure, maybe we can get by, but will be fulfilled? Will we be able to express our true divine feminine without that intimate dance with the strong masculine?

074 – C@ncer, What is it Really? with Danny Carroll
n a world where pretty much everyone knows someone or is themselves dealing with cancer, it’s time to shed some light on a whole different perspective of why the body forms tumors and goes into what we term ‘cancer’.
My guest today, Danny Carroll, went on a mission to learn how to heal cancer after he lost his good friend to cancer treatment some years ago.
Years into his quest, he came across the work of Dr. Hamer, and after 12 years of study he has never looked back.

073 – The VITAL Importance of Healthy Fascia for Whole Mind/Body Health with Anna Rahe
Sometimes I struggle with giving a title to my podcasts… I try to figure out how I can hook people in so that they will listen to something that I find so freaking fascinating and I try to implore how crazy important the topic is.
The subject of fascia BLOWS my mind, and I want everyone to listen to this!!
Fascia is finally become a more widely discussed area of health and wellness, but it still does not receive the attention it deserves in my opinion.
It literally impacts EVERYTHING to do with our mind-body system, something that Anna Rahe of GST Body has known for decades.
Anna developed a method of movement years ago when she was trying to heal and understand the root of her chronic pain and digestive and lung problems, despite being a yoga and pilates instructor.

072 – Human Design and Finding Your Purpose and Success in Business with Ros Isbel
Ros is back for another episode on Human Design. If you missed the first one, then be sure to listen to episode #46 to get a basic understand of HD and how we can raise healthy, well-adjusted kids and support their unique nature rather than trying to force behaviours and qualities that innately are not theirs.
In this episode, we get into HD and business, finding your purpose and how to form strong partnerships. There are many fascinating tidbits that come up in this interview, so be sure to listen to the whole thing!

071 – The Fundamental Importance of Lymph Flow to Heal and Change Your Terrain with Kelly Kennedy
Finally I’m talking lymph and a bit of fascia. This is a topic I’ve been wanting to cover for a long time, and who better to do this with other than Kelly Kennedy, the ‘Lymph Queen’?
In the western world, we often don’t hear of the lymph being addressed, but this system, which is larger than the blood circulation system, is key to our good health.
Not only does the lymphatic system deliver nutrients, but it is literally our sewer system, and if it isn’t flowing, our sewer backs up, stagnation occurs, and we no longer can access our divine, innate healer within.
After a receiving a biology degree from Cornell and realizing that the topic of health is vast, Kelly began to pursue her own education in classical alternative therapies culminating with a two year intensive in European Bio-Regulatory Medicine. Since then, she has also received her massage license, certification in Cranial Fascia Technique, and is currently studying to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner.

070 – How to Win in Court – It’s Easier than You Think with Dr. Frederick Graves
Ok folks, in a time when we are encouraged to (and often do so) give our power over to the educators, the doctors, the ‘scientists’ and the lawyers because we think we aren’t qualified, this interview is timely and very important.
How many of you know of people who have spent 10’s, maybe 100’s of thousands of dollars on lawyer fees with no resolution and only more headaches?
Why are so many lawyers so willing to take their clients’ money without providing them with full remedy?
It’s time to take it ALL back… our parenting, the education of our children, our health and also our LEGAL matters! It’s not as hard as you think, and Dr. Graves wants to teach you just how easy it is. He is tired of seeing innocent, good people getting screwed by the system.

069 – Fostering Resilience Over Weakness in Our Children with Naomi Aldort
Naomi Aldort, parenting coach, author and world renowned speaker, can help you raise resilient children who grow to be confident adults, rooted in themselves and not dependent on the approval of others.
Increasingly, our kids are being taught to not offend, to be inclusive and to be triggered in many scenarios. Do we really think this is doing them a favour?
The truth is, the real world can be an offensive place. We can never all be in agreement, and there will always be hard times to face. Would it not be more helpful to teach our kids how to go through hard times and to not depend on what others think of them or how they talk to them?

068 – The Power of Energy Healing over Conventional Therapy with Dr. Liz Winders
Let me introduce you to Dr. Liz Winders, a former clinical psychologist now practicing energy healing.
After experiencing medical maltreatment during the birth of her daughter, Dr. Liz was thrown into a period of trauma and dis-regulation that led her down the path of find energy healing.
Why did Dr. Liz turn to energy healing? It turns out that seeking help within her field did not prove to give her any relief or any results in her own personal life struggles.
So now Dr. Liz, after having found several modalities that did work for her, and rather quickly at that, is now helping others who can’t get past their traumas and blocks with the tools that helped her overcome her trauma and pain.

067 – How the Presence or Lack of Bioavailable Copper Affects how We Age with Morley Robbins
Morley is back for round 4, and this time we are diving into ageing, and how we can age more healthfully when we have sufficient copper.
But first, Morley gets into some fascinating information around glucose tolerance and copper status, cell changes and excess iron accumulation and more.
Every time I interview Morley I learn something new thanks to his persistent and dedicated focus on the research that constantly comes up with a bigger picture.

066 – GNM Regarding Microbes and Other Critters – Friends or Foes? with Tanya Verquin
Tanya is back with a second interview on the power and wonder of how German New Medicine (GNM) views, interprets and leads to resolving our so-called diseases and ailments.
When we view our issues as biological adaptions manifesting temporarily to help us through an unexpected circumstance, our whole world shifts and softens with a new understanding of how our divine design works for us and not against us.
If you have no idea what I am talking about, then listen to episode #64 to get the low down on GNM to understand the content of this conversation better and get more out of it.