Ep. 025 – Michale Hartte on Being Slim, Strong and Sexy with Ease
Are you feeling run down and tired and not in the best shape of your life?
Are you feeling that you have a purpose while in this body in this lifetime, but you just don’t have the energy to fully activate and fulfill that purpose?
Like I said, this interview is for you. Michale Hartte is passionate about helping women improve their health so that they can better show up for themselves and their families.

Ep. 024 – Mette Mitchell on Homeopathy and Building Your Home Pharmacy
I always get so excited talking about homeopathy! What a powerful, elegant, cost-effective and biologically effective way to treat yourself and your family.
I have been using homeopathy for a long time and know first hand how effective it is and how readily our children respond to treatment if they require it. There really is no need to fill your medicine cabinet with toxic creams, pills and syrups.

Ep. 023 – Dr. Cassie Huckaby on the Power of YOU!
When I heard Dr. Tommy John interview Dr. Cassie Huckaby, I knew I had to get her on the show. She has wisdom beyond her years and sees her patients a whole beings, capable of healing fully and completely.
Dr. Huckaby grew up in West Texas and always knew she wanted to be a doctor. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Chemistry from Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX and also completed

Ep. 022 – Laura Uplinger on the Light and Darkness of Humanity
I have now had the great privilege of interviewing the wonderful Laura Uplinger twice – the first time being for my program Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide (which you can find here:
www.sovereigncollective.org/gettheguide), where Laura talks about the power of conscious conception and the events that go into forming our world and self views before and after we are born.

Ep. 021 – Dr. Bob Dickson on the Truth About Water Fluoridation
Dr. Bob Dickson has been fighting for the rights of Calgarians to have access to unmedicated drinking water for a long time. He was instrumental in the removal of fluoride from Calgary tap water in 2011, and now in 2021, as the issue is rearing its ugly head again, he is going to bat once more for the people of Calgary to do what he can to keep this toxic waste out of the water supply.

Ep. 020 – Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova on Learning from the Past and Healing the Future
Elena is a spiritual midwife, travelling the world helping people heal their birth trauma and recode their limbic imprint. This is the second time I’ve had her on the podcast and to learn more about her work and how important it is to healing the human condition, please listen to episode #13.

Ep. 019 – Dr. Tommy John on Living a Purposeful, Authentic Life
Dr. Tommy John is simply real. He is humble, he’s a perpetual student who states he has learned more from his patients than he has from any of his degrees, and he commits to living much of his life from the perspective and wonderment of a 12 year old.
He is a chiropractor and in his clinic, the Dr. Tommy Johnny Performance and Healing Center, he uses a whole picture approach to help people activate their body’s innate ability to heal, touching on movement, nutrition, breath, meditation and more.

Ep. 018 – Takota Coen on Regenerative Agriculture
Is sustainable enough? Is organic enough? According to Takota Coen of Coen Farm, no, they aren’t. He believes we must go once step further and start regenerating our farms and ecosystems, and this is exactly what he is doing and teaching to others.
The transformation of Coen Farm over the last decades is nothing short of remarkable. Takota’s parents realized years ago that they could no longer ignore the declining health of their land and decided to remove all chemical fertilizers and biocides.

Ep. 017 – Maria Whalen on Gaining Your Health Freedom
Maria Whalen is a pretty private person, but she has shared the stage with many, including David Wolfe, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield and more, and has spoken all around the world.
She is a pioneer, an innovator, an inventor and a warrior, and if you are ill, she is someone you want to get know. She teaches you to have invincible health, and in today’s world, that is definitely not the standard.

Ep. 016 – Katherine Kowalchuk and Mike Worthington on Current Events 2020
Katherine Kowalchuck is a lawyer and Mike Worthington is an engineer, and together they have taken it upon themselves to help disseminate truth in light of reality not reflecting the facts of the research they are uncovering.
Katherine has been practicing law in the Province of Alberta since 2003, and though Katherine’s main focus is family law, she has turned her attention to uncover the implications of citizen’s rights in the face of C*v1d 19(84).