PROMO: Preparing Our Kids for the Future >>>



Bringing wisdom back into the home.

I believe this takes each of us being willing to question everything we know, and un-learn most of it.

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Ep. 035 – Knowing Thyself with Tom Barnett

Ep. 035 – Knowing Thyself with Tom Barnett

Knowing thyself…how many people do you know can be described that way? Is it even possible to know oneself?

It is clear to me that much of the world is not even interested in going down that path. Knowing myself is something I am striving for and is a never-ending quest, and this quality in Tom is something I greatly admire. Seriously, can you imagine what the state of the world be like if we were all on a mission of knowing ourselves? It might look a little different…

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Ep. 034 – The Power of Private Membership Associations with Mike Colomb

Ep. 034 – The Power of Private Membership Associations with Mike Colomb

Many of us know that the solutions to the problems we face today will not be found within the current system. It’s going to take the building of a parallel society, where those of us who to choose to no longer be governed by tyrants can access and provide for all of our needs within a system that protects us and provides a structure for us to do business and relate to one another as we choose.

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Ep. 033 – The Amazing Intelligence of Water with Veda Austin

Ep. 033 – The Amazing Intelligence of Water with Veda Austin

Hold onto your hats for this one folks. If you aren’t familiar with Veda Austin’s work, you are going to be blown away.

I knew that water holds information and emotion, but before coming across Veda’s work, I had no idea the depth of the intelligence of water… it actually seems to be communicating with us. But how many of us are listening??

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Ep. 032 – Saving the Children with Sherry Strong

Ep. 032 – Saving the Children with Sherry Strong

Sherry Strong is a driven woman on a mission to serve in this world.

Currently she serves as the Alberta Provincial Director for Children’s Health Defense Canada, she consults with clients on how to find health through their diet and lifestyle choices, she shares in the care of an infant born of a drug-addicted mother, and she just recently launched her own supplement line called Living Immunity.

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Ep. 031 – The Truth About Circumcision with Harry Guiremand of Bloodstained Men

Ep. 031 – The Truth About Circumcision with Harry Guiremand of Bloodstained Men

The topic today is circumcision, a procedure that many don’t give much thought to, but one that is not only not necessary or beneficial, but harmful.

This episode may be a little tough for some parents who have had this operation done to their children without investigating the facts prior to making such a life-changing and permanent decision for their voiceless child. This information is not meant to condemn, rather to enlighten people to prevent further unnecessary harm to our future boys and men.

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Ep. 030 – Amandha Vollmer on… wait for it… the Wonders of Urine Therapy!

Ep. 030 – Amandha Vollmer on… wait for it… the Wonders of Urine Therapy!

Amandha Vollmer is a person I love to interview and learn from. She is an intelligent and brave warrior who authentically cares about helping you maintain or regain good health, and empowers you to do so.

Amandha has her degree in Naturopathic Medicine and is a Professional Holistic Practitioner. She is an author and a natural health product creator and dedicates her life to gathering and disseminating truth on many levels.

For this episode, I ask you to be brave and open and to listen to this discussion before you judge the content.

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Ep. 028 – Naomi Aldort on the Benefits of Self-directed Learning  part 2

Ep. 027 – Naomi Aldort on the Benefits of Self-directed Learning and the Harms of Schooling part 1

I always get so much out of my interviews with Naomi Aldort. The degree of respect she has for children makes her stand out among other educators, counsellors, parenting coaches, etc. She has undying faith in the natural unrolling of development and learning that occurs in children as they grow and mature if we simply let them be and allow them to choose.

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Ep. 026 – Beth Martens on What Your Illness May Be Trying to Tell You and Purpose Through Archetypes

Ep. 026 – Beth Martens on What Your Illness May Be Trying to Tell You and Purpose Through Archetypes

About 20 years ago Beth Martens learned that even through death she would not escape pursuing her purpose. And in shifting her awareness around a key archetype that was severely out of alignment, she literally went from dying to living almost overnight. It wasn’t any cancer treatment, it wasn’t the diet, it wasn’t any medical intervention, it was her AWARENESS and decision to change that brought her back to the land of the living.

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