054 – Magical, Practical, Essential Homeopathy! with Mette Mitchell
I always get so excited talking to Mette Mitchell about homeopathy, which you may notice with my verboseness at the beginning of this episode.
Mette joins me again to discuss the simplicity, safety, and sheer magic of homeopathy. I’m so stoked about it and about one of her recent courses that she put out, that I even started selling homeopathic kits… I take mine everywhere!

053 – The Truth About Modern-day EMF Exposure and a Natural, Simple Solution with Justin Frandson
Justin Frandson has been an athletic performance coach for decades. However, noticing the negative impact on the performance and health of his athletes caused by wearable technology sent him on a new path of EMF education.
Through his research, he found a very simple solution to our overloaded exposure to non-native EMF radiation that comes straight from nature. It’s amazing how nature constantly provides and teaches if we would just pay more attention!

052 – Liver Support, Prevention of Disease and Coffee Enemas with Marion Gentry
Knowing how to get the crud out of your body is a big deal these days; and not only that, it will make you more confident and less concerned about all the poisons around you when you are equipped to deal with them.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d prefer to live in a more pristine world and not focus on toxins and poisons, but let’s face it…they’re coming at us from the water, the skies, the soil, the airwaves…it’s pretty hard to find anything truly pristine these days.

051- Renegade Skin Care and Beauty with Nadine Artemis
Be sure to use the link https://livinglibations.com/TSC for 10% off if you decided to purchase some of the luscious Living Libations products!
This is the second time I have had the pleasure of interviewing Nadine Artemis, the brains and beauty behind the line Living Libations. Our first interview was for my program “Your Conscious Pregnancy and Parenting Guide” over 10 years ago to educate parents around the truth of the products they are using for their babies and children.

050 – Are We In an Iodine Crisis? with Lynne Farrow
I can’t believe how long it took me to do a deep dive into iodine. I’ve been using it for a long time and recommending it for everything from weight loss to cysts, brain health to tumours. However, little did I know how much iodine we actually need and the forms of it that we need to make our whole body happy.

049 – Upping the Environmental Vibe and Solutions for Geo-engineering with Mitch the Orgone Donor
Mitch (the Orgone Donor) dedicates most of his spare time and money to reversing geo-engineering (yes, it really is happening, look up); the very same geo-engineering that is masquerading as cl!mate ch4nge, just another dominant fear-porn story of the modern-day narrative.
Have you looked up in the sky lately and noticed the clouds are a lot straighter and longer than the fluffy ones you drew as a kid?
Mitch is an orgone energy researcher and student of Wilhelm Reich, living in Arizona, who claims that deserts are not natural and he’s been proving just this with his Earth Pipes Across Arizona project.

048 – What Would Architecture and Design Look Like if We Truly Cared for the Land with Valentina Cereda
I connected online with Valentina months ago, and we were finally able to make this interview happen recently around her work as an integrative architect, or what I’ve been referring to her as, a holistic architect.
In this time of big box stores, fast growing suburbs, toxic construction materials, wireless everything and land being moved for whatever purposes we want, I find her work very important and fascinating.

047 – Supporting Detox in Today’s Increasingly Toxic World with Amandha Vollmer
Amandha is back in the house! It’s always a treat to pick Amandha’s brain…there’s a lot of knowledge and wisdom to wade through. If you don’t know who she is yet, then it’s time you do if you want to empower yourself when it comes to your health and want access to uncensored, truth-based information.
Today we focus on some real basics for detox and for supporting overall good health. We are living in uncertain times with increasing exposure to foreign toxins coming at us from all angles, including direct injection. The body is truly a wonder that it can withstand so much!

Ep. 046 – Human Design, Your Success and Raising Happy Children with Ros Isbel
I recently learned about Human Design, and I must say I am fascinated by it and it seems to really make sense. So when I found Ros on a podcast and sensed some like-mindedness, I had to contact her for an interview.
What I love about Ros is not only is she gifted and well-versed on the topic of Human Design, she also cares deeply for children and wants to help spread the word on how we can raise happy children who are supported in who they are \rather than conditioned away from their true selves.

Ep. 045 – Yoni Steaming for Fertility & Improved Overall Health with Ashley Edith
Women, we are talking Yoni (vaginal) steaming today. And as the title implies, there are numerous benefits in this simple ritual that has its roots in various cultures.
This is not a new practice…once again, a way forward is to look to rituals and wisdom of the past. There is so much to glean from the days when the general population put more effort and care into their existence, when wisdom was passed down from elders to younger generations.