Ep. 043 – Standing Up for a Man’s Right with Jamie Russo
Jamie Russo has an important story to tell. It is one of strength and courage and one that I hope will inspire others to stand up for their right to make their living as they choose and to live by their own moral code.
Jamie is an award winning tattoo artist and the owner and operator of Pushing Inc. Tattoo Emporium in Barrie, Ontario. He has been tattooing for over 25 years and maintains his right to keep doing what he loves.
Ep. 042 – The Spiritual Journey of Transitioning to a Life in the Private with Angela Bowolin
Living in the private is a hot topic these days and for good reason. If you understand who you are, a divine being over whom no one has any authority except for the authority you voluntarily give, then this information will speak to you as a way to move forward to live a life of your choosing and to pass that right on our children and future generations as the birthright it is.
Ep. 041 – Breaking Free of the Bonds of Scientism with Mike Donio
If you are looking for solutions as to live a life of freedom and of your choosing, then understanding what it means to live and operate in the private is a must. Those looking to control us and wield their power over us do so in the public domain, but they have not jurisdiction over us in the private. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but if we want to see a better and free future for our children and future generations, then understanding this is crucial.
Ep. 040 – Living in the Private and PMAs…What Does it All Mean? with Tymothy Roy
If you are looking for solutions as to live a life of freedom and of your choosing, then understanding what it means to live and operate in the private is a must. Those looking to control us and wield their power over us do so in the public domain, but they have not jurisdiction over us in the private. It’s a bit of a learning curve, but if we want to see a better and free future for our children and future generations, then understanding this is crucial.
Ep. 039 – The Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda with Kendra Irvine
Ayurveda is the world’s oldest wellness system and the sister science to yoga, and considering that it is still around after many thousands of years and is still relevant, I think it may be a good idea to give it some attention, especially in light of how far western medicine has veered from what is natural and how little is has to offer in terms of cultivating health.
Ep. 038 – The Necessity of Tissue Salts (and a Bit of Law) with Dr. Barre Lando
I am always beyond THRILLED to speak with Dr. Barre Lando. He is truly one of my favourite purveyors of wisdom out there and his knowledge spans a wide variety of areas… health and true medicine, parenting, classical education, law, gardening and farming, energy and frequency, nutrition, athletics and more. He is a vault, and every time I talk or listen to him I feel like we’ve only gotten the teeniest peek of what this man knows and embodies.
Ep. 037 – Homeopathy, Emergencies and Your Good Health with Mette Mitchell
I get so excited when I learn more about the wonders, simplicity and efficacy of homeopathy. And I always love my conversations with Mette, homeopath and generally wonderful and wise woman.
It’s how I dealt with many childhood issues with my son, including croup, teething, growing pains, flus and more. And now, I find myself building my homeopathic medicine chest so that I can be ready for almost anything.
Ep. 036 – Making Your Space Energetically Safe with Mitch Marchand
I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to do an episode all about EMFs – the reality, the dangers and how to protect yourself – but here it finally is.
As electromagnetic beings, the field we expose ourselves to has a big impact on our health. Gone are the days of living in natural environments, taking our cues from nature and tapping into our deepest healing potential while we sleep.
Ep. 035 – Knowing Thyself with Tom Barnett
Knowing thyself…how many people do you know can be described that way? Is it even possible to know oneself?
It is clear to me that much of the world is not even interested in going down that path. Knowing myself is something I am striving for and is a never-ending quest, and this quality in Tom is something I greatly admire. Seriously, can you imagine what the state of the world be like if we were all on a mission of knowing ourselves? It might look a little different…
Ep. 034 – The Power of Private Membership Associations with Mike Colomb
Many of us know that the solutions to the problems we face today will not be found within the current system. It’s going to take the building of a parallel society, where those of us who to choose to no longer be governed by tyrants can access and provide for all of our needs within a system that protects us and provides a structure for us to do business and relate to one another as we choose.