Ep. 013 – Elena Tonetti-Vladimirova on the Limbic Imprint and Quality of Life
I had the pleasure of meeting Elena almost 10 years ago when I organized a Limbic Imprint Recoding Birthshop. I came across her work in the conscious pregnancy and birthing space when I developed a program on such matters after having my son in 2009 (just getting this material back online by the way), and the wisdom of her work sticks with me to this day.
Episode 012 – David Wolfe on Current Events, Building Jing, the Great Conjunction and SO Much More!
David Avocado Wolfe is the rockstar of nutrition and superfoods and he has a lot to say. With 2 engineering degrees, a political science degree, a law degree and a masters in nutrition, along with years of questioning, researching, experimenting and travelling the planet many times over, he has gathered much knowledge and continues to educate the public with paradigm-shattering information.
Episode 011 – Amandha Vollmer on Germ Theory, Dental Health and the Wonders of DMSO
I love Amandha’s brain! She is an intelligent and knowledgeable woman who is unapologetic in her approach to educating the public on the truth of how to cultivate health and uncovering the weaknesses of the modern medical model. She says it like it is and isn’t afraid to do so, and that is a quality that I greatly appreciate.
In this interview we talk germ theory, the truth around viruses,
Episode 010 – Dr. Barre Lando on Germ Theory, Terrain Theory and Building a Healthy Terrain
Dr. Barre Lando has a laundry list of credentials and expertise. He knew from early on that the western medical model would not be the path he would ultimately follow as he was interested in health and healing over suppressing and medicating, and sought out education in multiple fields of natural health.
He was a high performance athlete in his earlier days and now combines his love for athletics, medicine, farming and his vision into Alfa Vedic, found at www.alfavedic.com
Episode 009 – Jeanice Barcelo on the Truth About How our Babies Come into this World
Warning! This episode may be very difficult for many to listen to. Jeanice Barcelo reveals some ugly truths around how we treat our babies while in the womb and how they are brought into the world. There is also a picture at 1:33:40 comparing a circumcised penis to an intact one for educational purposes.
Jeanice Barcelo is an author, speaker, educator and activist intent on revealing the truth about the medical system, with a big focus on prenatal care and birthing procedures.
Episode 008 – Brett Hawes on Building Resilience
Brett Hawes knew early on that there was something amiss with the medical system as, during his first job in Canada as maintenance in a senior’s facility, he watched the health of the elderly slowly decline as a result of the western medical model. This fuelled him to learn more and led to studies in multiple forms of natural medicine.
In this episode we dive into many areas, the first being on how to build resiliency and what that looks like for the individual and the community. We are divided in our communities and Brett shares his opinion on how to restore unified communities, and what mental, physical and immune resilience looks like.
Episode 007 – Derek Fleming on Thriving with Traditional Medicine and Tonic Herbs
In this episode Derek Fleming, the founder of New Earth Organics (a tonic herb company in Alberta, Canada) goes into why the western medical system is failing us and what we can learn from traditional medicines and approaches to nutrition.
We get into seasonal eating, cultural differences around the understanding of the impacts of different foods on our physiology, why nutrition dogmas are leading us down the wrong path and why going with the flow of nature may better serve us to cultivate robust health.
Episode 006 – Naomi Aldort on Raising Our Children (pt. 2)
Naomi and I continue our conversation about parenting in today’s world, and we learn what she would do if her children were young in this current situation. Knowing that this option is not available to all, she also talks about other ways to ensure that the mental and physical health of our children remain intact.
Naomi talks about harms that may come to children as a result of masks and why to encourage them to not take on a world view through the lens of the mask.
She explains how children are resilient, how the home environment is key and how our power is taken from us in the areas pregnancy and parenting, and even from our children in how they are raised and educated.
Episode 005 – Naomi Aldort on Raising Our Children (pt. 1)
When I think of advocating for our children, which I find is lacking at this particular time in the world, I think of Naomi Aldort, world-renowned speaker, author and parenting guide.
In this first part of our 2-part interview, Naomi explains her approach to parenting, how that approach can be applied to closing the divide in these divisive times, how self-directed learning is not ‘wishy-washy’ parenting, what one of the most harmful aspects of conventional school is and so much more.
Naomi’s approach honours our children and leads to raising resilient humans, rooted firmly in themselves.
Episode 004 – How Maria Castro Saved Her V*cxine-Injured Son
Maria, against her inner guidance, v*cxinated her healthy first son, who, at his 18-month v*cxine appointment, became so damaged that he lost all speech, started to escape from his mother 50 times an hour, could not clear his bowels and was in constant pain, engaged in self-injurious behaviour, barely slept before he would wake up with night terrors, and more.
Maria was told that her son would be institutionalized and may never speak again, but she would not accept that and gave up everything to dedicate her life to find healing for her son.
We must share these stories – they are not rare and they don’t get the recognition they deserve. Maria’s story is real, and if you are in the same position, know that you are not alone and there is hope.